Monday, October 18, 2010

Al Terego's - Illustration Book

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"nyanyian lelaki kecil"
is a mini project by al TEREGO studio, a story book with 1 writer and 30 artists to visualize each part of the stories.

Writer and Cover:
Tampan Destawan Subagyo

the artist:

Adhitya Prasetyo | Rio Ari Seno | Raihansans | Tonthowi al Ahyar | Agus Susanto | Dimas Indra Permana | Atreyu A.M | Ardyan Yuniar | Widya Mada | Aiko Marckveratu | La Tessa Dwadiandra | Nurify Gadisgelap | Arya Mularama | Naomi Dame | Rasu Ardie | Adithya Fachrizal Hafiz | Chaterine Natasha | Onny Ranantalice | Dedy Kurniawan | Griksa Gunadarma | Aloysius Nitia | Mira Agfa Masita | Prasajadi Heru | Ryan Sheehan | Ryan Mardhika| | Toro Elmar | Adri Tirtoarrazaq | Ube | Soni Fajar Nurhadi |
Roy Bayu Putra

Order the very limited copy
Rp.20.000,- (Excl. Shipping)
or Rp.40.000,- With Al terego Sketchbook!

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